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Un cavo sottomarino per collegare il Togo

LOME', Togo - Il Togo, un piccolo Stato dell’Africa occidentale, è determinato a sviluppare la sua economia attraverso il settore digitale.

Tra le varie imprese lanciate di recente, le autorità togolesi hanno negoziato per due anni con Google affinché il primo cavo sottomarino in Africa del gigante tecnologico faccia inizialmente tappa nella capitale, Lomé.

Equiano, dal nome di un ex schiavo nigeriano del 18esimo secolo diventato poi abolizionista e scrittore, è partito dal Portogallo, ha raggiunto il Togo a marzo, la Nigeria ad aprile, e sta proseguendo verso la Namibia e il Sudafrica per diventare operativo entro la fine dell’anno. Grazie a 12 coppie di fibre e a una capacità di 150 terabyte per secondo (tbps), i principali vantaggi di questo cavo saranno una banda larga 20 volte più potente rispetto a quella attuale e una connessione a internet più rapida e meno costosa.

Il Togo vuole diventare un “hub” del settore digitale nel continente africano. Oltre ad aver introdotto la rete commerciale 5G per primo in Africa occidentale, negli ultimi anni ha promosso diverse iniziative digitali in vari settori, soprattutto economico, agricolo, sanitario e logistico. Per esempio, il programma “Novissi” lanciato dalla Ministra dell’economia digitale togolese, Cina Lawson, è riuscito a distribuire 34 milioni di dollari a oltre 900'000 persone vulnerabili durante la pandemia di coronavirus sfruttando le tecnologie mobili. Novissi, l’unica iniziativa africana finalista, ha avuto un riconoscimento speciale alla “SXSW Innovation Awards 2022”.



ARTICLE: Togo, a small West African state, is determined to develop its economy through the digital sector. Among the various initiatives recently launched, the Togolese authorities have been negotiating with Google for two years to have the technology giant's first submarine cable in Africa initially stop in the capital, Lomé.

Equiano, named after an 18th-century former Nigerian slave who later became abolitionist and writer, departed from Portugal, reached Togo in March, Nigeria in April, and is on its way to Namibia and South Africa to become operational by the end. of the year. Thanks to 12 pairs of fibers and a capacity of 150 terabytes per second (tbps), this cable will have a 20 times more powerful broadband than today and a faster and cheaper internet connection.

Togo wants to become a "hub" of the digital sector on the African continent. In addition to being the first to introduce the 5G commercial network in West Africa, in recent years it has promoted several digital initiatives in various sectors, especially economic, agricultural, health and logistics. For example, the "Novissi" program launched by the Togolese Minister of Digital Economy, China Lawson, managed to distribute 34 million dollars to over 900,000 vulnerable people during the coronavirus pandemic using mobile technologies. Novissi, the only African finalist initiative, received special recognition at the "SXSW Innovation Awards 2022".




Togo wants to speed up and reduce costs
of its internet connection

Local authorities have convinced Google
to make the "Equiano" submarine cable
pass in the Togolese waters

The speed of the internet connection
will increase by 20 times

From Portugal "Equiano" arrived in March
in Togo and then Nigeria, by September
it will be in Namibia and South Africa.

Mivo-Azon is a small social company
Located on the outskirts of the capital, Lomé

One of their apps directs customers to
the nearest shops where to buy
food products grown and processed in Togo

From 2010 to today, Togo has risen from 7%
of the population connected to the internet to 75%.

The number of apps in Togo is constantly growing

In March of this year it was organized
a summit on cybersecurity in Lomé
Togo wants to become a center of the digital sector

According to Interpol, the cyber attacks against
various institutions in Africa have damaged
10% of the continent's GDP in 2021

Starting with Togo, Google has seized
the opportunity to assist the African continent
in the development of its digital sector.

Google has invested in the African digital sector
$ 1 billion for the next 5 years

Equiano is the third submarine cable installed
by Google in the world and the first in Africa

In May 2021 the World Bank has instead
approved $ 11 million to develop
the digital economy in Togo.

Matteo Fraschini Koffi per RSI_OLTRE LA NEWS - 30 maggio 2022