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Going to Italy? Think twice if you are black!

The African Executive MILANO, Italy – “There is a war on drugs, and many of our family members are the enemy. I don’t know how you wage war on your own family.”

Fear and Pride of African Women Waiting for their #MeToo

Lome (TOGO) - The professional hell for Akouvi (not her real name) lasted five years. The devil was his new head of Financial Risk Management at a bank in Togo. "At first he seemed to want to go out with me as a friend," Akouvi tells me with a certain reticence.

Domestic Struggle, Foreign Appetites: Why Everybody Wants Mali

DAKAR, Senegal – It’s an arm-wrestling competition. Politicians, military, businessmen, civil society, and foreign powers inside and outside the African continent. Everyone wants Mali for its resources and its geopolitical importance. This vast territory that forms a belt between the Sahel and the Sahara is known for its strategic and human potential

Africa’s Cultural Dilemma: Will Restitution Heal Old Wounds?

DAKAR, Senegal – “We don’t want it to be a nostalgia museum. We want a museum that knows how to enhance the self-esteem of each actor connected to the African world through a perspective of openness and dialogue”. Hamady Bocoum is the director of the Museum of Black Civilizations (MCN) in the Senegalese capital, Dakar

Women are Finally Having their Moment in African Leadership

DAKAR, Senegal - The future of Africa is female. Or so it would seem, judging by the various projects launched within a diversity of sectors thanks to African and international institutions during the last few years.

Can Anyone Stop Ethiopia’s Civil War?

DAKAR, Senegal - Worried about the worsening of the civil conflict in Ethiopia one year after the start of the violence, some experts are proposing a “Dayton peace process”

Framing the Russia-Ukraine War from Africa

LOME', Togo -- “The Chair of the African Union and the Chairperson of the African Union Commission urge the two Parties to establish an immediate ceasefire and to open political negotiations

Stories and Humanitarian Action (SAHA)

 NYC, USA - LOME', TOGO -  Matteo Fraschini Koffi is a freelance journalist who writes, photographs and produces documentaries for radio and TV. He works for Italian and foreign media focusing exclusively on Sub-Saharan Africa.